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Phoenix Research Laboratories

Phoenix Research Labs公司的Micron III为全世界唯一针对小动物所设计的视网膜影像系统。

2010ARVO大会上,Micron III被公认为小动物视网膜成像的新标准,来自全球眼科学及神经科学研究者都给予高度评价。目前除了小动物视网膜影像系统之外,更发展出眼前段裂隙灯影像、视网膜电位图、大动物视网膜影像等系统,提供最全面的眼科学研究

Phoenix_MicronIII (Chinese).pdf

Micron III大小鼠专用视网膜影像系统 

·        有别於一般眼底镜,专为大/小鼠设计之视网膜影像撷取系统。

·        使用方式和萤光显微镜类似,可观察明视野和萤光(Ex.CFP,GFP,mChrry) 影像。

·        兼具单张图像拍摄及数位影像录影功能。

·        非常适合用在萤光血管造影,甚至可看到微血管内血球的动态流动。

·        可即时切换萤光滤片及焦距调整。

·        解析度可达4μm,视野范围(FOV)可达60(2mm)

·         应用范围: 萤光血管造影(Fluorscin Angiography)、糖尿病视网膜病变(Diabtic Rtinopathy)、视网膜母细胞瘤(Rtinoblastoma)、视网膜黄斑衰退症(AMD)、早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)、脉络膜新生血管 (Choroidal Novascularization)、视网膜色素变性(Rtinitis Pigmntosa)等。




Customers' Comments

"I have always sought good fundus images.
It used to take all day for an experienced researcher to get just one. Now with our Micron from Phoenix, even a new user can learn to capture publishable rat and mouse fundus images in less than 30 minutes."

Robert L. Peiffer, Jr, DVM, Ph.D.
Senior Investigator
Merck & Co, Inc.


"Exceptionally good imaging system for rodents.
The whole system is very user friendly, which makes it possible to finish the complete examination of an animal before any cataract can occur. Especially the angiography function produces high quality images, where you can see single cells moving within the vessels. The use of this system to image mice with pigmented retinas is also absolutely possible."

Knut Stieger, DVM Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Ophthalmology
Justut-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany


"The image is quite good in my view.
I took the green channel (which has most of the info anyway), inverted it and crispened it with a Gaussian un-sharp mask to compare with a $125,000 SLO rat fluorescein image. I'm impressed. Even with no fluorescein, you can almost get the capillaries."

Robert E. Marc, Ph.D.
Calvin & JeNeal Hatch Professor of Ophthalmology
Director of Research, John A. Moran Eye Center


"Best rodent imaging system I've ever used.
Produces exceptionally high quality digital fundus images of rodents and small animals. The resolution and contrast are much better than any other instrument we have tried. It is robust and easy for the students to use. We have had good success with bright field, as well as fluorescence imaging of gfp expression in the retina and fluorescein angiography. The ability to capture video, select and output individual frames later is a big help when focusing on the retina in the small rodent eye."

John Flannery, Ph.D.
Professor of Vision Science and Molecular and Cell Biology
Associate Director, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
University of California, Berkeley


"The Micron III is an extremely powerful and customizable system for preclinical ophthalmic research.
The system is extremely intuitive and an entry-level user is capable of performing clinical-grade funduscopic examination. Moreover, the device is an extremely well thought design and allows for the development of new in-vivo assays. The Micron III is a necessity for any retinal researcher using small animals."

Rafal Farjo, Ph.D.
Director, Research and Development
Charlesson, LLC
Oklahoma City, OK


"The Micron III has been a fantastic addition to our array of tools for analyzing pathologic neovascularization in the mouse retina.
Being able to obtain live animal imaging data from the same retina over the course of months greatly reduces the number of animals needed for longitudinal studies and significantly decreases the error bars obtained while quantifying intraretinal and subretinal vascular lesions. With one demonstration and one "hands on" practice run, all of our lab personnel were immediately able to generate accurate, outstanding image data."

James F. McGinnis, Ph.D.
Director NEI/DMEI Imaging Core Facility
Associate Director of Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience
Professor of Cell Biology
Professor of Ophthalmology
Dean A. McGee Eye Institute
Oklahoma City, OK


"I wish I had bought this a year ago.
This is the first instrument I have seen that can image fluorescein labeled neovessels of ROP through the dense hyaloid vasculature of a 14-day old mouse pup. It can also focus to the back of the lens to view the arteries in detail."

Victor H. Guaiquil, Ph.D.
Dyson Vision Research Institute
Department of Ophthalmology
Weill-Cornell Medical College

New York
, NY


Retinal Imaging
for Mice & Rats

Anterior Segment

Image Guided
Focal ERG

Image Guided

Retinal Imaging