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睡眠研究-Actiwatch, Actiware software

睡眠研究-Actiwatch, Actiware software-活动和环境光线数据收集、储存、管理及睡眠分析系统

美国健康医疗仪器国际公司 中国独家销售

Actiwatch-device to record sleep/wake patterns on a variety of patients with a variety of sleep complaintsActiwatch

Actiwatch Family of Ambulatory Actigraphy Devices: Actiwatches are small, rugged, actigraphy-based data loggers that record a digitally integrated measure of gross motor activity. Each model of Actiwatch actigraph is equipped with a highly sensitive accelerometer as well as the ability to record additional data channels. The Actiwatch Score, Actiwatch-2, and Actiwatch Spectrum use actigraphy principles to provide sleep schedule variability, sleep quantity and quality statistics and daytime activity patterns so you can better identify therapeutic options and understand responses to treatment for patients. All three models collect reliable, objective data on sleep/wake patterns for multiple days in a subject’s ambulatory environment with the comfort and aesthetics of a standard wrist watch.

Philips Respironics伟康公司——世界最大睡眠紊乱诊疗仪器及无创呼吸机生产厂商。美国伟康公司是一家驰名国际的专业生产及销售睡眠紊乱诊疗仪器和呼吸系统医疗设备的公司,成立于1976年,总部设在美国东部Pittsburgh,分公司遍及北美、欧洲、东南亚、中国等国家和地区。伟康公司十分重视技术进步,在睡眠监测的所有关键技术上均保持世界领先地位。 美国呼吸呼吸学会(American Association of Respiratory Care)设立的泽尼斯奖“Zenith Award”是美国呼吸界公认的难得殊荣,而伟康公司以其优异的产品质量和完善的售后服务连续7年赢得此奖。

Actiwatch 2 - In addition to sleep/wake activity recording, Actiwatch 2 has the ability to record information about the amount and duration of ambient white light illuminance, in units of lux. Actiwatch-2 also features a comfortable design to enhance patient compliance, a large 1 MBit storage capacity, a rechargeable battery, a waterproof casing and the ability to be used with a hospital band. Communication to the Actiwatch-2 is achieved via USB connection to the sleek Actiwatch 2 communications dock. These features, among others are why Respironics’ Actiwatch products make it easier than ever to implement actigraphy.

Actiwatch Spectrum - In addition to sleep/wake activity recording and the updated features included in the Actiwatch-2, Actiwatch Spectrum is equipped with three color light sensors that provide irradiance and luminous flux recordings in three color bands of the visible spectrum: red, green, and blue. Beyond color-light sensing, Actiwatch Spectrum also features a LCD display for time, date and device status indicators as well as off-wrist detection and a one year battery life. These features, among others are why Respironics’ Actiwatch products make it easier than ever to implement actigraphy.

Actiwatch Score – Like all of our Actiwatch devices, the AW-Score actigraph uses actigraphy principles to record activity information and can be used to analyze sleep quality.

In addition to the objective activity data, Actiwatch-Score allows for recording subjective scores for any parameter that can be classified from 0-15 (scale is programmable), providing a strong enhancement to Patient Diaries. The unique combination of activity and scoring provides an excellent way to correlate activity with other subjective data normally collected by a patient diary. It can also be used to document the effectiveness of interventions on conditions of interest. The Actiwatch-Score includes a programmable alarm to prompt the patient to enter a quantifiable score. Alarms can be set to a schedule or to sound at random intervals.