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ALZET® Osmotic Pumps----植入式胶囊渗透压泵

持续長時間定量給药的好帮手--製造廠商:DURECT Corporation
中国、香港地区独家代理商 ---  美国健康医疗仪器国际公司

New 1004 Model----100ul reservoir, 4 weeks duration and 0.11 ul/hr

New 2006 Model----200ul reservoir, 6 weeks duration and 0.15 ul/hr

DURECT Company Information: https://www.alzet.com/company/

Advantages of Continuous Infusion over Injections https://www.alzet.com/products/alzet_pumps/injection-vs-infusion/

ALZET Pump Models https://www.alzet.com/products/alzet_pumps/specifications/

Mechanism of Operation: https://www.alzet.com/products/alzet_pumps/how-does-it-work/

How ALZET pumps work (there is no link here, but I think you have it covered in Mechanism of Operation?)

Pump Selection Criteria: https://www.alzet.com/pump-selection/

Selecting the appropriate pump for your studies. https://vimeo.com/749173567

Filling ALZET Pumps https://www.alzet.com/guide-to-use/filling-priming-alzet-pumps/ or https://vimeo.com/749173582

Brief explanation of what it is (no link here) https://www.alzet.com/products/alzet_pumps/

Catheter Use https://www.alzet.com/products/catheter/

Rates & Durations

There are 12 models of ALZET Osmotic Pumps in 3 physical sizes, and a variety of release rates and durations.